Circle Ranch Inc.


Join us at Festival Hall in downtown Greensboro for the Help Heal A Kid's Heart fundraiser. The Swingin' Medallions will be taking the stage, playing the infectious, dancing music that everyone loves to kick their shoes off to.

This event promises to be a night of fun, music, and community support, with all proceeds going towards the funding of the first building on the Circle Ranch property. Your attendance and participation will help make a difference in the lives of children in need, as we come together to heal hearts and provide hope for a brighter future. Don't miss this opportunity to enjoy great music for a great cause!


1690 Old Union Point Road, Greensboro

We are proud to present our FUTURE HOME!

It is our intention to be a long term asset to our community. Jody Sandwick, Executive Director


Circle Ranch Inc., is a non-denominational Christian organization serving Region 5 of the Georgia Department of Human Resources:Greene, Oglethorpe, Oconee, Morgan, Newton, Rockdale, Walton, Clarke, Elbert, Barrow, Jackson, Madison and Putnam County.  In December of 2014 Circle Ranch was incorporated in Greene County by the State of Georgia and was granted a 501c3 by the Internal Revenue Service.

Circle Ranch Inc. will provide a loving Christ-centered family setting for children in need of a stable family support  by providing a healthy environment where children are encouraged to develop spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically enabling them to reach their full potential.

The People Behind Circle Ranch